What you can do with Smartphones of the future

 What you can do with smartphones of the future

Technology has shaped our lives in all ramification, it is difficult to imagine life without our computers and other electronic gadgets, today you don’t need to take a stroll to the next store to make your purchase but right on your smart phone its possible to search for any product and pay for any item of your choice and wait for its delivery at your door step. This simplicity of life cuts across all industries as every sector has undeniably embraced the digital arena.

Phones were primarily designed for voice call when its first appeared, with the advancement in electronic processor computational power over the years, more and more functions are being integrated into mobile devices to and extent that a smartphone in 2024 is more powerful than a supercomputer of 70s and 80s.

This improvement has not stopped as more ground breaking innovation is being introduced, in this article, we will take a look at some of the things our smartphone of the future will be able to do.

1.       1. Hologram

Phone of the future camera

Cameras on our devices are getting better by the day, however, the images are captured in two-dimensional screen, our phones will be able to project a 3D view in the future making video call and gaming more realistic than what we are getting today.

2.       2. AI

AI powered mobile phone operating system

Artificial intelligence has been around for years but it was not a mainstream product until recent breakthrough which enabled it to solve real world problem like face recognition, content generation etc. this technology will surely find its way into our smartphones as part of its operating system (OS) as AI powered operating system, with this our smartphone will be able to learn about its user , it will be able to dial calls using your voice and face to communicate, this technology on your device will also manage your finance, health etc. transforming your mobile device to your digital self.

3.       3. Battery

Longer Battery life

One of the major problem with our gadgets is the power supply, the battery used in smartphones are limited in energy supply, it can only power the device for hours before it runs down, ongoing research in solid state battery, supercapacitor and other technologies will put an end to this challenge as some of these new technologies have greater energy density which means it can store more power, imaging having your device running for a week after a single charge, also the charging time of these batteries are reduced drastically, instead of charging your device for 2 hours to get a full bar it will be possible to have your phone fully charged within 10 minute.

These are some of the innovation that are on the way and many more, with this level of advancement our smart device will be able to do more.

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